Sunday, October 09, 2005

Today's Kids are Missing It

Today's Kids are Missing It

I saw my eight year old nephew yesterday and tried to carry on a conversation with him. He replied, yup, nope, okay and various other one word answers to all of my questions. A few minutes later I observed him talking with my other thirteen year old nephew and they were having a very intense, animated conversation! I listened to them go on and on about several different video games they had been playing and the variety of stratagies they used to get to higher levels in the game.

It's a shame that most kids today are so involved in video games and the Internet that they are missing the beauty of the great outdoors! Now don't get me wrong, I love to play video games myself and I am all about the Internet, but you have to make time to get outside once in a while!

I remember when I was growing up my mom would always say, "It's a beautiful day, go outside and play." I had no choice in the matter, I was forced to enjoy the great outdoors. Thanks mom, I loved it!

Kids today are missing it. Do your kids a favor and unplug the TV or computer and take a walk to the lake or ride a bike with them around the neighborhood. Play catch with them, toss a frisbee around or something. Just get out of the house and enjoy the beauty of the great outdoors!

More to come on this subject in future posts...your comments are welcome.


D.S. White said...

Hi Mike,

Great blog! I agree that with each new generation, the technological "progress" we make trickles down to our kids in a bad way.

That's why the onus is on us, as parents, to make sure that our kids are not adversely affected. There are waaaay too many obese kids today.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the kids are missing it, and maybe we're missing stuff too. I'm very interested to see how it all turns out, my son should be born tomorrow or Friday and I'll have a lot to learn.

I think we all get nostalgic about how good stuff was, but right now is great too. i'd have loved to have had the Internet when I was mad on computers at 13-14 years old and waited weeks for 51/4" disks of shareware to arrive in the mail.

Great blog, interesting posts.