Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Janet Jackson's Daughter-Urban Legend or Fact?

Janet Jackson's Daughter-Urban Legend or Fact?

What do you think? Does Janet have a mystery daughter or is this just another urban legend? In 1984 Janet was married to James DeBarge for a short time but the marriage was annulled.

Rumors have been going around for a long time and have recently been fueled when DeBarge's brother told a New York radio show that there is an 18 year old daughter from that marriage.

Debarge's brother said the daughter's name is Renee and she lives with Janet's older sister. Jackson's peeps deny these rumors. What do you think? Please leave a comment


~M~ said...

Came by you courtesy of Stacie. I don't think that Janet has a daughter because I don't think a mother can deny a child for that long and still be in close contact.

Angie said...

Hmmm..hard to say. But, usually these things end up having some truth when it comes out in a round about way. Or when a family member betrays a trust. :)

Anonymous said...

It's true. Janet had Renee when she was 19 but Joe made her give the baby to Rebee to raise and made the family keep it a secret and paid of the Debarge family to keep it secret too.