Wednesday, October 12, 2005

How to look busy at work

How to Look Busy at Work

OK, admit it...many of you who are reading this right now are at work! It is amazing how many people are surfing the web, blogging, playing games or sending emails when they are supposed to be working.

Here are a few tips to those of you who fall into this catagory.

  1. Have a job-related window ready : If you are doing something on the computer that you shouldn't be doing always make sure you have another window open that you can quickly switch to in case someone comes in and intrudes on your privacy. A good idea is to have the company website open.
  2. Never, ever empty your in-basket: A clean desk and an empty in-basket is a sure sign that you need more work to do. Always keep something in your in-basket or a stack of papers on your desk so it looks like you have a lot to do.
  3. Always carry a piece of paper with you: Make sure you always have a piece of paper with you at all times. Even if you are just getting up to go to the bathroom, carry something with you so it appears that you are on an important mission.
  4. If you should happen to get caught playing a game on your computer don't try to lie about it. Justify it by saying you were taking a quick break to relax and refresh your mind so you could be more efficient.
  5. Walk at a quick pace, this makes it look like you are in a hurry and very busy.
  6. Make sure you arrange your office so your back is not to the door, you really don't want people sneaking up behind you.

These are just a few tips...I'm sure you have some great ideas that you could share. Please leave your tips in the comment section, and remember: DON'T WORK TOO HARD!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think working and keeping your mind open reading news, blogs, work related sites etc. is important. Helps me be more productive, even though that might seem counter intuitive. You have to learn to balance it though.

Good tips.