Thursday, October 27, 2005

Rent My Blog

Rent My Blog

What a GREAT feature this is on BlogExplosion! Bloggers can rent space on their blog or buy space on other people's blogs. We exchange credits, not cash and it's a wonderful way to get exposure to your blog. Space is rented for a week at a time for anywhere from 10-500 credits. (Some of the blogs seem to be way overpriced, but we are still working out the wrinkles in this new program.) Hopefully the person you rent from will also give you a little blurb on their blog.

This week my blog is rented to Jeremy C. Shipp, Haunted House Dressing . I was going to put in a plug here for Jeremy's blog but I am at a loss for words! His description of the blog starts out like this: Hello, welcome to Haunted House Dressing. This is a place where toasters run free and hippos climb trees. OK, how do I describe a blog like that? I think it would be best if you just checked it out for yourself.

Jeremy is a writer and there are many samples of his work there for you to read. I know you will enjoy it, so what are you waiting for...visit
Haunted House Dressing NOW!

WAIT...don't leave yet. Before you go please leave a comment and tell me what you think about the rent my blog feature.


eph2810 said...

Great feature. I like your little blurb about your renter. I should make a post for my renters as well...especially since it is you who is my renter this week...
In His grip

Anonymous said...

Thanks for letting me rent a place in your e-home here. It's nice and comfy. And thanks for the plug. It's much appreciated. :)