Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Flag Burning Bill Fizzles Out

Flag Burning Bill Fizzles Out

OK...if you want to get me pissed off, go ahead and burn an American Flag in front of me! I was proud to serve my country way back in the day during the Vietnam War, and I still honor the American Flag and what it stands for. I can't believe that the Senate failed to pass a bill against Flag Burning! This, just before the Fourth of July which is a holiday celebrating our freedom...what were they thinking?

They say the issue is freedom of speech. Well, I believe in freedom of speech just as much as the next guy; but burning the flag is not freedom of is desecration of the very symbol of freedom that makes The United States of America the great country that it is.

Let me hear your comments on this subject.


Anonymous said...

Flag burning is just the cowards/cranks way to get attention anyway. If they had any conviction they would stand on a box with a mega-phone and make the people listen, that's freedom of speach.

Anonymous said...

I may be Canadian but I agree with you Mike.

Considering all the stupid laws that governments have passed over the years, it would be nice to see them actually pass one protecting a fundamental symbol of freedom.

And yeah, I know people argue about free speech but how the hell do they think they earned the right to free speech in the first place. It was people who carried that flag into battle that earned it for them !

Lana said...

I agree with you.
The flag is a symbol of freedom and I am proud that I live in such a beautiful country.
I would be very upset and angry with anyone who burns a flag in front of me. My husband would do something I would not like to say here but I'm sure you get the point.
Thank You for serving our country.

CyberCelt said...

I do not like anyone burning the American flag. I do not think it is a real problem, though.

There are other issues (like Social Security, massive deficit, war in Iraq, homeless people, kids without insurance, and the shrinking value of the dollar) that I feel are more important.

Nope, the Congress would rather worry about flag-burning, gay marriage and oil rights in Alaska.