Monday, June 12, 2006

Are You Too Busy to Take a Lunch Break?

Are you too busy to take a lunch break?

In a lunchtime survey of 1,013 adults 20 and older, conducted in May, KFC came up with the following results.

62.7% of workers consider the 60-minute lunch hour the biggest myth in office life.

57.9% eat lunch at their desk while continuing to work.
55.6% multitask during lunch (28.9% eat and run errands, 26.7% eat and e-mail or shop online).
51.8% take 30 minutes or less for lunch.
21.9% eat at a restaurant or other eatery.
20.2% eat in the company cafeteria.

I usually run to Wendy's and pick up a Spinach Chicken Salad; that takes about 10 minutes, and then I return to my desk to eat lunch while I work. How about you, do you take a full hour for lunch or do you work at your desk or run errands during lunch?

Please leave a comment.

1 comment:

MsDemmie said...

Working for myself I am equally bad - I ususally end up ith breakfast around 10.00 am and lunch around 4.00pm - I sit a the computer to eat both - multi tasking saves my time !