Wednesday, August 09, 2006

World Trade Center

World Trade Center

Who can forget that horrific day, five-years ago when the World Trade Center was destroyed! It is one of those events that will forever be etched in our memories and years from now you will recall exactly where you were and what you were doing when you heard the news.

It was only a matter of time before Hollywood released a movie about it. What do you think, is it too soon for the movie; should there even be a movie made about this subject; are you going to go see the movie? Please leave a comment on how you feel about this.

I probably will see the movie eventually, maybe when it comes out on DVD. It is not on my must see list. I beleive that it's okay to make the movie as long as the facts are correct. Oliver Stone is a brilliant film maker and I'm sure he will do a great job.

The film is being released today, August 9, 2006. You can see a trailer at

The movie, directed by Oliver Stone; featuring Nicolas Cage, Michael Pena, Maggie Gyllenhaaland Maria Bello looks like it will be a great movie. From what I have read about it, this is not a movie about conspiracy theories or political finger pointing. Instead, it is the story about two New York City Transit Authority Policemen, John McLoughlin (Nicholas Cage) and Will Jimeno (Michael Pena), who are entombed in the rubble and eventually rescued.

Please leave your comments.

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