Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Isn't there anything better to report about?

Isn't There Anything Better to Report About?

Give me a break...I turned on the news this morning and the big story was all about Boy George sweeping up the streets of New York. Who really cares! The picture here is of Boy George in his hay-day when he was with "The Culture Club". His big hit was "Karma Chameleon".

It seems that the singer got into a bit of trouble a while back and was sentenced to community service. Back in March Boy George falsely reported a burglary at his apartment in Manhatten and when the police came to check it out they found cocaine there.
(You think that if you were going to report a fake robbery, you would at least have enough sense to stash your dope out of sight!)

When he tried to go to work and sweep up this morning, he was swarmed by the media. Then he swept dirt and leaves into the cameras and ended up being re-assigned to a gated area where the media was kept at bay!

With all that is going on in the world today, you think there would be more important issues to report about. It's a shame to waste valuable air time on something like this.


Kara said...

oh that cracks me up! I remember being very confused about wether he was a boy or a girl when they first came out..

Anonymous said...

Well, any time a star, especially one who'se down on his/her luck does anything it's important news right ?

Give me a break !!