- He got his sailboat from Libby
- He may have caused the crash of Oceanic Flight 815 because he didn't enter the numbers in time
- His lost love Penelope, who has a lot of money may play a bigger role in all of this
- He has the failsafe key and the courage to use it
- Actually breaks down and starts to cry
- Doesn't push the button -- but he was wrong -- the button is real
- We do not know his fate -- he was last seen in the hatch when the system failed
The Others
- The real leader is Henry
- Their camp was a fake to impress Michael, even their hatch was fake
- What the heck was the giant statue with four toes all about
- They say they are the good guys -- hmmmm
Hurley is set free with the task of telling the rest of the survivors not to try to find The Others. Michael is reunited with Walt and they are giving directions on how to leave the island. Jack, Sawyer and Kate are still held captive by The Others. We don't know what happened to Syad, Locke or Mr. Eko.
The producers say that next season we will learn more about The Others. I think the season went out with a big bang! Can't wait till next year.
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