The other day while my wife was driving home from work she had a car wreck! Thank God, nobody in either car was injured. Here is what happened, please leave a comment and tell me if it seems fair to you.
She came to a full stop at an intersection where she had a stop sign. There were no cars coming so she pulled out and then crash! A van had suddenly come speeding over the top of the hill and she hit the van broadside as she was pulling out!
In my opinion, the driver of the van was at fault because he was travelling at a high rate of speed coming up on a blind intersection. The State Trooper did not agree, he issued a ticket to my wife. His explanation was that she failed to yield. I argued that there was nothing to yield to when she pulled out there were no cars coming. The driver of the van was speeding and should get a ticket also. The Trooper said it didn't matter how fast the other guy was going, the person at the stop sign has to yield to oncoming traffic. (In other words it is okay to speed while you are coming over a hill and approaching a blind intersection.)
Does this seem fair to you? Please leave a comment. We are not paying the ticket, but will go to court and talk to the District Attorney about this. It is a 3-point penalty on your driver's license and God only knows how much the car insurance will go up!