Friday, January 27, 2006

FDA Approves Inhaled Insulin

YES...this is really good news for diabetics. The FDA has approved Exubera, the first inhaled insulin treatment for diabetes. I for one, am very glad to hear about this. I am a diabetic and have been taking insulin shots for fifteen years. I take five injections per day and it has not been fun! I hate needles, and I will be happy to switch to Exubera.

How does Exubera work? It delivers insulin in dry form through an areosol spray to the lungs and from there it enters the blood stream.

Pfizer Inc. is the first manufacturer to put the new insulin on the market. Before too long, I'm sure you will see other brands competing with Exubera. This is the first new method of insulin delivery since if we could just come up with a cure!

1 comment:

Lana said...

That is AWESOME news.
I told my sister about this her 10 year old daughter is a diabetic. My hubby is also but he is taking the pill.