Things to do during Lenten Season
When I was a kid we were taught that we had to give up something every year for Lent. Of course it had to be something that you really liked; we were not allowed to give up homework or cleaning our room. More often than not I would give up chocolate, which always worked out well because at the end of Lent comes Easter and the Easter Bunny with loads of chocolate!
Lent is the time when Jesus went into the wilderness for 40 days to fast, reflect and meditate. Since I am diabetic, I can not fast; however, I am certainly able to reflect and meditate. Over the years I have discovered that giving up something for Lent wasn’t really satisfying to me so I decided to take on something new instead. Here are some examples of how you can take on something new during this Lenten season. It’s a good way to renew your soul, your body and your life; give it a try!
The theme here is quiet, peaceful time for meditating and renewing yourself.
* Try turning off your television, radio, cell phone, computer, etc. Spend some quiet time with yourself and just relax a little bit each day.
* Go for a walk or a bike ride.
* Take a nice long, hot bubble bath.
* Let go of old grudges and resentment. Forgive and forget.
* Be nice to people, smile more and be kind to everyone you meet.
* Take time to read the Bible every day and spend time praying.
* If you really want to give something up, give up fast food; your body will love you for it.
Do these things for 40 days and when Easter rolls around you will feel refreshed and better about yourself.
Your comments are welcome.
My new blog, filled with rambling rants and rhetoric. "I am what I am" and here is where I will express my feelings. Feel free to comment, I am looking forward to your replies.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Things to do during Lenten Season
Monday, February 16, 2009
Looking for friends and students of Joan Marinaro

Looking for friends and students of Joan Marinaro
My sister Joan Ellen Marinaro passed away in 2003. I am working on writing a book about her which will include her poetry and some stories from friends, fellow teachers and students.
When you think of Joan, you should remember bright colors, especially purple; jewelry everywhere, fun outfits, her laughter, her love for the children she taught, gardening, her unconditional love for animals and especially her beautiful smile. If my sister touched your life, please email me at and share your memories.
Joan was a teacher in Connecticut, Texas, Oregon, and Arizona. She also spent several years on a Navajo Reservation in Arizona teaching. If you remember Joan, please contact me.
You can read a little more about Joan Ellen Marinaro by clicking here.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
How to Make Money in 2009?
How to Make Money in 2009?
Times are really tough. The economy is a big mess; people are losing their jobs and their homes! I have been laid off since Aug. 31, 2008 and I never know where my next dollar is going to come's a real challange keeping up with the mortgage and all the other bills.
Somehow, I have managed to keep my head above water in these tough times but there has got to be a better way. Right now I am making telemarketing phone calls from home and designing websites. I can no longer drive, so whatever I do it has to be done from my home. If anyone has any brilliant ideas, please let me know.
I do manage to get a check from Google now and then, not every month but every couple of months. I would like to figure out how to increase that stream of income. I also get a little from Commission Junction but that too needs a lot of improvement.
The website clients are few and far between but I am grateful for every little bit of work I can get. I am open to any suggestions for working from home. Please let me know if you have found a way to survive from home in these tough times.
Face Book and other Social Networking sites has a huge following...there must be a way to make some money with those type of sights. How about sharing the secrets?
Your comments are welcome.
Times are really tough. The economy is a big mess; people are losing their jobs and their homes! I have been laid off since Aug. 31, 2008 and I never know where my next dollar is going to come's a real challange keeping up with the mortgage and all the other bills.
Somehow, I have managed to keep my head above water in these tough times but there has got to be a better way. Right now I am making telemarketing phone calls from home and designing websites. I can no longer drive, so whatever I do it has to be done from my home. If anyone has any brilliant ideas, please let me know.
I do manage to get a check from Google now and then, not every month but every couple of months. I would like to figure out how to increase that stream of income. I also get a little from Commission Junction but that too needs a lot of improvement.
The website clients are few and far between but I am grateful for every little bit of work I can get. I am open to any suggestions for working from home. Please let me know if you have found a way to survive from home in these tough times.
Face Book and other Social Networking sites has a huge following...there must be a way to make some money with those type of sights. How about sharing the secrets?
Your comments are welcome.
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