Monday, December 22, 2008

When One Door is Closed...Another is Opened

When One Door is Closed...Another is Opened

1 Corinthians 10:13 (New International Version)"No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it."

Sometimes what appears to be a disaster can actually be a blessing in disguise! I am a firm believer in the fact that everything happens for a reason and when one door is closed, another will be opened.

August 31st, 2008 was not a very good day for me. I was laid off from my job of eight years and then when I got home there was a letter in my mailbox from the Dept. of Motor Vehicles telling me I had to surrender my driver's license due to my vision problems!

Now I had no job, no way to go on interviews for a new job and no more health insurance coverage!

Two weeks later my wife was also laid off from her job; now we were really in serious trouble!

Luckily a neighbor knew of a job opening where she works and my wife was able to get a job within a couple of weeks. I decided that since I had no way to get to a job I would find a way to make money from home. I have been designing websites for about ten years and had a handful of clients so I contacted them for referrals. That got me a few new clients and now that I had the time to devote to my web design I started to pick up more clients.

One of the guys in our church heard I was out of work and offered me a telemarketing job with his company which I could do from my home. So now I at least have a little bit of income between the web design and telemarketing.

Of course, neither one of these is a full time job with benefits so I am still struggling to make ends meet.I was in the Navy so I am using the Veterans Administration for my health insurance and that is a blessing.

Since I have not been working 40 hours per week and commuting 10 hours per week I seem to be a lot less stressed. My diabetes is under better control and my blood pressure has improved. I now have time to walk every day and exercise more. If I hadn't been laid off I would not have had the time to expand my web design business, so actually a new door has been opened for me!

The bottom line here is don't despair when things get tough. These are hard times and the economy is in pretty bad shape. Many people have been laid off from work or are in danger of losing their jobs and their homes. But when the going gets tough, the tough get going! Look deep inside yourself and you will find that you have some special talents. All you have to do is figure out what it is you like to do and then find a way to make some money doing it!

Here is an example: I have enjoyed playing the guitar for 46 years, so I am going to offer beginner guitar lessons from my home starting in January. This is a way to share my talents with others, while at the same time earn a little money doing something that I love to do!

Visit or for more articles. Mike Marinaro is a web site designer and published author.

Your comments are welcome.

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