Saturday, May 09, 2009

The Swine Flu

The Swine Flu

The World Health Organization said that there may be as many as two billion cases worldwide by the time the swine flu virus runs its course! That's worse then the 1918 outbreak of the Spanish Flu where an *estimated 50 to 100 million worldwide died from the disease!

So far the most cases of swine flu have been reported in Mexico, with the United States coming in 2nd. Vaccines against the new strain are being developed and could be ready as early as June 2009.

Meanwhile, frequent washing of hands with soap and water or with alcohol-based hand sanitizers, especially after being out in public can help to prevent infection. Social distancing may also be necessary if there is an outbreak of the epidemic in your area. This means staying at home or staying away from other people who might be infected and can include avoiding large gatherings.


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