Saturday, March 28, 2009

Why do Redheads change their hair color?

Why Do Redheads Change Their Hair Color?

I do not understand why many redheads change their hair color? I think redheads are so beautiful! I happen to be married to a beautiful redhead and she has never dyed her hair to another color.

Take Nicole Kidman for example. I just saw the movie Australia, which was a great movie; however, she is a blond in the movie which does not do her justice. Nicole is a sexy redhead...why mess with perfection? Look at the photo below and tell me she isn't a beautiful redhead!

I just fail to see why so many redheads insist on changing their hair color. Could somebody please explain this to me?

Leave your comments...especially if you are a redhead girl that has changed her hair color.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Make Money with Link Bee

Make Money with Link Bee

Here's a new way I discovered to earn a little extra money. It's called Link Bee. Just go to their site and create a link your url will be shortened like this and you will get paid for clicks. There are different types of links available. The above link will take you to my web design website. This link will take you to the Link Bee website.

Check out this site, you won't get rich quick but it is a way to add to your income stream. You can put links on your blog, website, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Please leave a comment.

Monday, March 23, 2009

The prodigal son returns

The prodigal son returns

This weekend our 37 year old son moved back in with us. We are happy to help him out as he makes a transition in his life. It will be good to have him around as we didn't get to see him too often the last several years.

Just curious how many other parents have revolving doors on their homes. We have had the following family members living with us from time to time over the years.

My daughter, my wife's daughter and two children, my wife's son, my brother-in-law, my wife's son and his wife and son. We love family and are happy to help out...just wish we had a bigger house.

Please leave a comment.

Friday, March 20, 2009

What's in a Domain Name?

What's in a Domain Name?

Go Daddy $7.49 .com sale 200x200

People ask me all the time what's the importance of having your own domain name. The answer is really quite simple. The domain name you select is your identity; it's your brand. For example or , there is no doubt where you will go when you click on these domain names! They are short, easy to remember and identify the product or company.

The shorter the domain name the better. You want something that people can remember easily. There are lots of places you can register a domain name, I always use GoDaddy. Click on the logo above to check out what they have to offer. I have been using them for several years for domain name registration, web site hosting, email accounts and much more.

Some companys will charge you $20-$35 a year to register your domain name, but GoDaddy has great rates, as low as $7.49 a year! Check them out for all your web needs.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Hurry up and wait

Hurry Up and Wait

Anyone who has been in the military is familiar with the saying, "Hurry up and wait". Well, the Vietnam war has been over for more then 40 years now. I think it's a shame that Vietnam Vets have been forgotten about!

I have Diabetes type II which was proven to be caused by exposure to Agent Orange, a chemical which was sprayed in Vietnam to defoliate the jungles. However, since I was in the "Bluewater Navy" which meant I was on a ship and did not have "boots on soil", my claim for benefits has been held up forever!

I was a signalman on board an aircraft carrie, The Bon Homme Richard, and spent my 3 tours of duty in Vietnam above decks, exposed to the prevailing winds. I'm sure I was exposed to Agent Orange while I was there. In addition to that, we often drank and showered in sea water when we would run out of fresh water. I find it hard to believe that we were not exposed to the chemical just because we were out at sea!

The Hass vs. Nicholson case has been holding up the Agent Orange claims with the VA. I understand that the case has been resolved, but it's not good news for the "Bluewater Navy".

Due to my Diabetes, I am now disabled and legally blind in one eye with no peripheral vision in either eye. I did my duty and served my country and it's not fair that the VA and Congress should ignore my claim. I'm sure I am not alone...if there are other Vets out there reading this write to your Congressman and tell them to wake up and get a clue.

Please leave a comment.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

24: The Best Season Ever

24: The Best Season Ever

WARNING...if you haven't seen the latest episode of 24 then you may not want to read this because it's a spoiler.

I can't believe that 24 just keeps getting better and better! Jack is like the "Energizer Bunny", he keeps going and going and going!!! This is the best season ever so far on 24.

I hate that Jack's buddy Bill Buchanan was killed, I liked his character. I am a rebel myself and I relate well to other rebels like Jack, Bill, Chloe, any Tony.

Please leave a comment and tell me who your favorite character is on 24 (other than Jack Bauer).

Sunday, March 15, 2009

What to do when you get laid off

What to do when you get laid off!

Just ask anybody you see and I'll bet they can name at least 3 people they know who have recently been laid off from work! It's a sign of the times. I was laid off on August 31 2008. To make things worse, I no longer can drive due to health issues! Did I panic when I was laid off? Of course I more pay check, no health insurance or life insurance, no 401-k, etc.

Today is March 15, 2009. "Beware the Ides of March!" Anyone who has read Shakespeare will remember the soothsayer's warning to Julius Caesar. However, today is not a day of foreboding, and neither was August 31, 2008.

Here are a few things I found out about being laid off.

1. It gives you time for yourself.
2. Once you get over the initial shock and feeling of self-pity and frustration, you will actually enjoy making your own schedule.
3. You will discover your talents and learn how to make money using these talents.

In order to survive after being laid off, the first thing you need to do is take a serious look at your financial situation. Do you have anything to fall back on? A 401-k, annuity, savings, stocks, bonds, Swiss bank account, money stuffed in your mattress? I had very little to fall back on and it was quickly used up because the monthly bills keep on coming!

The next thing you need to do is decide if you are going to look for a new job or if you will work from home or collect unemployment or retire or whatever. If the answer is look for a job, then you had better get your resume in order and start looking! You will not be the only one out there looking for that job; our economy is a mess and the competition will be tough, no matter what field of work you are searching for! Make looking for a job your new full-time job.

Everyone has some talents. Look deep inside yourself and find out what it is you are really good at and enjoy doing, then figure out a way to make money doing it! I like to design web sites, write articles and short stories, and play the guitar. All of these are marketable talents and since August 31st, 2008 they have been my only source of income.

If you are going to work from home you will need some quiet office space and a lot of discipline. It's real easy to get distracted, so get organized and get tough on yourself!

The most important thing to do is talk to everybody you come in contact with and ask them what they do and if their company is hiring or if they know where you can find a job. Networking works and you will be surprised at the results. You will have to swallow your pride and tell people that you lost your job, but if you don't you just may miss out on a great opportunity. I ended up with a telemarketing job I can do from home by talking to people about my layoff.

Don't loose touch with your former co-workers. Get their phone numbers and email addresses so you can keep up with them. They know you and they may be able to help you out in your job search.

That's it in a need to stress out and worry. All you have to do is keep the faith and do whatever it is you do best. Remember, God never closes a door on you without opening another!

Please leave your comments about this post.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Today's Economy DEMANDS A Critical Skill: Optimism

Today's Economy DEMANDS A Critical Skill: Optimism
by: Eileen McDargh

Today's Economy DEMANDS A Critical Skill: Optimism
Global warming. Water shortages. Terrorism. Failing health care system. Wars around the globe. Gas prices. Severe economic downturn. Look at the headlines and it's enough to make you stay in bed.

But wait! There is hope. It's not the cock-eyed optimism sung about in South Pacific, the hottest show on Broadway. Rather it's what psychologists in France are calling "intelligent optimism." Such optimism does not deny the reality of today's world, but rather seeks to LEARN how to fashion a life amid such difficulties. Martin Seligman, the psychologist who had made optimism and happiness his life's work, would agree with the French: optimism can be taught.

Consider these basic steps:

(1) Focus on what you can control. Don't get carried away by circumstances you cannot change. You might not change global warming, but you can control your energy consumption. You can't stop the downsizing in your company, but you can arm yourself with marketable skills. You cannot halt the bleeding on Wall Street but you can rebalance your portfolio. You can take a hard look at expenses and determine what are necessities and what are nice-to-have items that can be dropped. At the same time, do resolve to spend some money or time on something that truly gives you pleasure and lightens your spirit. Two-for-one hamburgers at the local joint with my best friend make my heart glad and brings a smile to TWO faces.

(2) Reframe the event so that you are not a victim. There is always another way to view a situation. The flight cancellation that caused me to miss (and forfeit) a major engagement was not "planned" to "get" me. It just was. My choice is to figure out what I can do to help the current client and what I will put in place of the cancelled work. When Hurricane Katrina wiped out the home of a nurse, she told me that she focused every day on what she still had and she had her children do the same thing. Every day started with gratitude. She refused to see herself as a victim.

(3) Think "enough". When we concentrate on what we don't have, we miss all the many things we do have. The truth of the matter is that if you are reading this article, you do have enough computer power. You do have enough intelligence. You do have enough. It might not be as much as you would like but, for today, it is enough.

(4) Cultivate optimistic responses. Like a farmer tending a field, optimism will never grow unless it is watered, fed, weeded, and nourished. We all have days in which negativity can take over. And, sometimes, that is a WISE response because it keeps us grounded in reality. Just make sure it is reality and not the imagination making extraordinary leaps into conjecture. Weed out that conjecture. Ask what you can DO to see a result that gives you a sense of power. As Alexander Graham Bells stated, "Sometimes we stare so long at the closed door we fail to see the one that is opening." The 3M engineer who thought he had failed to make a glue compound that would stick discovered what we all now call Post-In Notes(tm).

(5) Remember the power of generations. Children of depressed parents are more prone to depression. Children of optimists are more prone to be optimists. What do you choose to pass along? Even if your parents were negative, you can break the cycle by stopping, freeze-framing a situation, listening to the negative self-talk, and then literally giving yourself a different message. Yes, this is a practice. A hard practice. But you can make it a habit if you work it over time.

(6) Sing. When all else fails-start singing. It is impossible to feel negative when you lift your voice in song. Music allows you to formulate words, to add nuance, and to even get your toe tapping.

(7) Refuse to watch or read anything that puts a dark pall over your day. Instead of tuning into gloom, read a book that transports you to another time and a better mood. Go play with the baby next door. And if you are one of those folks who just can't stand children, take a walk with your dog, dig in the yard, or get a bucket of balls and practice your golf swing. Better that than walking around with heart and mind weighted down.

(8) Refuse to participate in a chorus of negative conversations if the only thing you will hear is whining, complaining and moaning. Tell your group that they have three minutes to throw a hissy fit but then it must stop and the next six minutes must be devoted to either finding something positive about the situation or something that they can do.

Lastly, practice saying this mantra, "This too shall pass." It always has and it always will.

(c) 2009, McDargh Communications. Publication rights granted to all venues so long as article and by-line are reprinted intact and all links are made live.

Known as a powerful presenter and facilitator, Eileen McDargh, CSP, CPAE has been creating conversations that matter and connections that count since 1980. Executive Excellence ranks her among the top 100 thought-leaders in leadership development. Her newest book, Gifts from the Mountain, received the 2008 Ben Franklin book award. To hire Eileen to heal your company as a speaker, coach or retreat leader visit

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

How to make money blogging - FREE webinar

How to make money blogging - FREE webinar

Last night I attended a FREE webinar with the master - SHOEMONEY!!! This webinar was hosted by Big Jason from Big Marketing Blog. This FREE webinar was packed full of great information that you can use to make money with your blog.

You can listen to the replay just by clicking this link, don't miss this great opportunity to learn from the best!

Learn the Following from One of The Best and Most Well Known Bloggers In the Entire World, Jeremy Schoemaker a.k.a. ShoeMoney:

  • Content - What works best.

  • Traffic - How to get more eyeballs.

  • Monetization - Make money from your effort.

*Bonus - Ask ShoeMoney as many questions as you want about blogging.

So don't worry if you missed the live webinar, just CLICK HERE to register for the replay!

Make sure you read Shoemoney's's one of my favorites and if you are serious about making money with your blog you will subscribe to Jeremy's blog today!

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Never Miss Your Favorite TV Show Again

Never Miss Your Favorite TV Show Again

I found a great web site that you will love! If you can't afford TIVO and you still haven't figured out how to set your VCR to record shows then this is for you.

Hulu is a web site that features many popular TV shows and movies. It's FREE to register and you can sign up to be notified by email when the latest episode of your favorite show is available to watch.

You can select which shows to put in your queue and watch them whenever you want from your computer. There are current shows and movies and even some oldtime classics available.

Check it's an awesome site.

Please leave a comment.